Security Archives | SEQUELLO
Multi-Tenant Architecture

Multi-tenant architecture

Each platform participant receives a dedicated tenant on the SEQUELLO cloud environment. Their data is stored there, such as orders, delivery bills or invoices. This architecture ensures that only the respective participant can access the data in their tenant. This clear separation prevents misuse by third parties, as every access to SEQUELLO always takes place in the context of a tenant, without exception.

The concept is comparable to a rented house. You can only enter and use the contents if you have the key to the house or a corresponding apartment.

Single-Sign-On (SSO)

Single-Sign-On (SSO)

SEQUELLO supports single sign-on and thus enables administrators to manage access authorization centrally. This increases user-friendliness, as users can also use SEQUELLO with their existing login data (usually company e-mail address and password).

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