SEQUELLO Release Notes R1.4


Release 1.4

Basically, software is never “finished”. It constantly evolves and experiences new enhancements, gains in performance or receives an upgrade of the user experience. With the SEQUELLO Release 1.4, published in November 2022, there are also some news for our construction logistics platform, which mean advantages and improvements for the users of our solution. A selection of the topics covered by the release is presented here.




User Experience Upgrade

Our team is in constant dialogue with the users of our software. Together with the practitioners who regularly use our solution, we have analysed the user experience and, based on the findings, have visually revised the user interface in many areas and made processes more intuitive. This applies to both the SEQUELLO Field App and the desktop application.



Document overviews and evaluations

Being able to easily check and evaluate receipts is an important function for the efficient handling of construction projects. Accordingly, with Release 1.4 we have significantly improved the document overviews and optimised them for easier data evaluation

Integration of external systems

The connection for customer and supplier systems via a generic interface has been simplified. The connection effort for our customers’ IT departments is thus reduced and the process is now simpler. In particular, suppliers equipped with Dorner* Connect or SIMMA’s MRP system have a simple option for direct connection without the need for an additional interface.



Master data synchronisation

Admins of SEQUELLO customers are pleased that the synchronisation of master data is now possible with the company ERP system. The advantage for companies is that the materials of different companies are automatically synchronised via the central material master of SEQUELLO, thus enabling a smooth data flow from system to system.

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