5 reasons why everyone talks about construction logistics


5 reasons why everyone
is talking about construction logistics 

f you read the lecture titles at industry events these days, you can’t help but notice a few key topics. CO2 balance is one of them, digital construction logistics another. SEQUELLO has also made the second topic its mission. Of course, the digital delivery bill cannot compete with IoT, AI and the like in terms of radiance. Nevertheless, many see huge potential in this core commercial process.  We have therefore identified 5 reasons why everyone is talking about construction logistics.


1. Frequency makes the music

The repetition rate of an activity is what counts in the total of a company. Order, delivery bill and invoice are fixed components in the core process and therefore have to be processed at a very high frequency. Let’s take a construction site with 30,000 cubic meters of area to be produced: As a rule, concrete alone generates more than 5,000 documents here, triggering efforts at various key players. Goods receipt entry, document storage, transfer, archiving and evaluation are just some of the activities involved in processing the documents. A digital workflow simplifies many of these steps, and not just on a small scale, but a whole 5,000 times over. Optimization of the core process is so attractive precisely because the repetition rate is correspondingly high. Construction logistics offers enormous potential here, which is why this item is high on the agenda for many.


2. Information equality for all participants

In today’s analog process, there is too much isolated information that is only accessible to a limited circle. The construction site usually does its planning for itself first, and the supplier often doesn’t find out about its good fortune until it’s too late, which can lead to bottlenecks and delivery problems. On the other hand, in the case of telephone call-offs, the supplier is usually the only one who has the relevant documentation and is thus superior to the customer in discussions. Such information imbalance can be avoided in the digital process. Comments on the delivery bill are not noted on the supplier’s own carbon copy, but on the shared data record. Orders are available in real time for both sides in the respective system. In this way, the construction logistics process can bring both sides even closer together and a construction site automatically comes a step closer to the goal of LEAN.


3. Availability is King

Reporting, whether internally to management or externally to quality inspectors, costs time and nerves. If the bureaucracy on the construction site gets out of hand and the key people can no longer concentrate on quality and progress, then additional costs and delays are often the result. In the digital process, commercial evaluations are available live at any time. This takes the stress out on site.


4. space is scarce

If space is at a premium on the construction site and delivery points are overloaded, then digital logistics control can be enormously helpful. It also helps the environment. After all, running mixers waiting in a long queue to be unloaded is not a good thing for the climate. With digital solutions, expected deliveries can be clearly displayed and overloaded delivery points can be avoided.


5. Make efficient use of skilled workers

Not only digital tools, but also construction logistics service providers are booming. Coordination of supply cycles, incoming goods inspection, discharge of tools and materials, disposal of packaging materials and many other activities are nowadays readily outsourced. This is creating a new field of business, and the teams on site are thanking them with positive feedback. Because they can concentrate on their actual job.



Interest in new, construction logistics approaches is currently very high throughout the industry. Regardless of whether it’s shell construction, building construction or civil engineering – in all areas, there is a desire to further optimize the core process.  The five points mentioned above have shown the potential that lies in the optimization of construction logistics processes. We are therefore pleased to be able to work with SEQUELLO in this exciting field of activity and are looking forward to seeing how construction logistics will be lived in the future.

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